Naomi Watanabe~The Queen of Comedy born in Japan


Naomi Watanabe is a popular Japanese comedian. She is a female comedian affiliated with Yoshimoto Kogyo and one of the most popular entertainers in Japan. She has appeared in numerous TV shows and commercials and currently has over 10 million Instagram followers.

There is not a Japanese person who does not know her name. Most recently, she starred in a stage production of Hairspray in 2022, and is currently in the midst of a talk show tour of the United States.Her popularity is not limited to Japan, but extends overseas as well.

Who in the world is she? Why is she so highly regarded not only in Japan but around the world?Let us take a look at her success story from her upbringing to the present day.

What is Naomi Watanabe?

Naomi Watanabe, 37, was born on October 23, 1987. She is the daughter of a Japanese father and a Taiwanese mother. A native of Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, she is a Japanese comedian and influencer affiliated with Yoshimoto Kogyo. After graduating from junior high school, he entered NSC (a training school for comedians), and after several years of training, he became popular in 2008 for his Beyonce impersonation. From there, he has been appearing on TV one after another, including variety shows, at a breakneck pace.

However, in 2014, at the height of her popularity, she went to New York to study language alone, overcoming the opposition of those around her. From here, her major breakthrough overseas began.

During her world tour in October 2016, she successfully performed three shows in New York, Los Angeles, and Taipei.

In 2019, she will finally move to New York City and base her activities in the United States. On her YouTube channel “NAOMI CLUB,” she released a parody of Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande’s “Rain on Me” music video, which was introduced by Billboard and other media around the world, and even received praise from Gaga herself on Twitter with “Love this! and received praise from Gaga herself on Twitter.

As of August 2023, Gaga is in the midst of a U.S. talk show tour for her podcast “Naomi Takes America,” which is available on Spotify.

Reasons for her popularity

What is the reason for her success in expanding overseas? One must not forget her impersonations of world-famous divas such as Beyoncé and Gaga.Her lip-synching, comical dance moves, and especially her impersonation of Beyoncé’s “Crazey In Love,” in which she shakes her hips vigorously, are world-famous and have been officially approved by Beyoncé herself.

However, she actually could not speak Japanese well until she was around 18 years old, probably because her parents divorced when she was young and she was taken in by her Taiwanese mother.

Even so, her entertaining nature seemed to have blossomed from her school days, when she would gather her friends to perform impersonations. Perhaps it was this family environment that provided the foundation for her “fun that transcends language. When she first started out as a comedian, she struggled with the language barrier, but a senior comedian advised her to “develop your many strengths to the point where no one else can do it! These words inspired him to study abroad in New York to hone his strengths, namely his ability to express himself. There, she truly felt the joy of dancing in dance classes and observed the rich expressions of dancers in the audience at nightclubs, which she incorporated into her own art.


We have now come to grips with the life of Naomi Watanabe, a very popular comedian, and the reasons for her popularity. Her success story is the result of her childhood experiences as well as her service spirit and her core strength. I encourage everyone to see her performance at least once. You will not only laugh, but you will also be amazed by her dynamic and sophisticated moves. You can also see Naomi Watanabe’s performance in person at Lumine the Yoshimoto in Shinjuku!


If you want to see what else she is up to, click here ↓.

◆Official YouTube channel [NAOMI CLUB

初めまして!渡辺直美という芸人です。 NAOMI CLUBはインスタライブでみんなのコメントから生まれたチャンネル名です! 主に生配信をやっていく予定です! 一発目は深夜にスタート!ということで、 友達とテレビ電話をしているような感覚で見ていただけたら嬉しいです! メイクをしたり歌を歌ったり(そんなこと友達とテレビ電話...

◆Official Instagram 【watanabenaomi703】.

Naomi Watanabe(@watanabenaomi703) • Instagram写真と動画
フォロワー10M人、フォロー中866人、投稿1,153件 ― Naomi Watanabeさん(@watanabenaomi703)のInstagramの写真と動画をチェックしよう

◆Official X (former Twitter)


◆Comedy Natalie Naomi Watanabe
渡辺直美の初ワールドツアー「Naomi Watanabe WORLD TOUR」全3公演が今秋開催される。

◆FANY Magazine

渡辺直美による全米7都市トークライブ開催決定!『Naomi Takes America -The Podcast LIVE-』 | FANY Magazine
渡辺直美の自身初となる全米7都市を巡るトークライブ『Naomi Takes AmericaーThe Podcast LIVEー』の開催が決定しました。渡辺直美からコメントが届いています。 Podcast番組がスタジオを飛び出し全米各地へ! 本人がアメリカ・ニューヨークから発信しているPodcast番組「Naomi Ta...


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