Japanese culture


Three well-known festivals in Japan you must definitely go

There are many festivals around the world. From a Japanese point of view, there are some festivals that make you think "...

Here is the history of Asakusa and Sensoji Temple

Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo, attracts many Japanese and foreign tourists. The temple's streets and scenery are sur...

Osorezan – Japan’s Three Most Spiritual Mountains where you can see a seance by an itako! Closest place to the dead~!

Mount Osorezan (Osorezan, Osoreyama) is an active volcano located in central Aomori Prefecture. The mountain's caldera (...

Rakugo – Avant-garde classical entertainment is always a friend of the common people.

The only two things needed for this art form are a fan and a tenugui(a Japanese hand towel). There is no special sound, ...

Here‘s How to enjoy Halloween in Japan【Japanese people love Halloween!】

How do Japanese people enjoy Halloween? We will introduce the relationship between Japan and Halloween and how to enjoy Halloween to the fullest!

【Autumn in Japan has nothing but charm!】 A summary of how to enjoy autumn in Japan at its best.

This article shows you how to enjoy autumn in Japan at its best. Visiting Japan in the fall is the best time to enjoy the Japanese culture and atmosphere. So what can you enjoy? Please refer to the article and enjoy Japan in autumn.

Discovering Japan’s Natural Beauty and Expressions

The four seasons in Japan are beautiful and attract the attention of countries around the world. The culture of expressing these four seasons in words and making them more beautiful is one of the charms of the Japanese language. This article introduces the beauty of Japan's four seasons and language.