Introducing Japan’s Three Greatest Fireworks Festivals


In this issue, we will introduce the three major fireworks festivals in Japan.

Fireworks festivals in Japan are held all over the country.

And compared to fireworks festivals around the world, one of the main features of Japanese fireworks festivals is that you can see quite a large number of fireworks.

Among them, the three major fireworks festivals in Japan introduced here not only have a large number of shots, but all viewers are overwhelmed by the gorgeousness and magnificence of the production.

Please get to know the three fireworks displays that are particularly famous in Japan and visit them when you go sightseeing!

Let us introduce them one by one.

Japan’s Three Greatest Fireworks ① Omagari Fireworks (Daisen City, Akita)

First of all, I would like to introduce the Omagari Fireworks Festival, commonly known as “Omagari no Hanabi,” which is held in Daisen City, Akita Prefecture.

It started in 1910 during the Meiji Era (1868-1912) and has a history of more than 100 years.

Omagari’s fireworks are characterized by the fact that they are held during the daytime as well.

Of course, the most popular is the “Night Fireworks” held at night, which is characterized by its division into a traditional Japanese fireworks section called “Jugo-wari-mono” and a section for creative fireworks.

This fireworks display has received the Prime Minister’s Award, the highest honor given to the most outstanding pyrotechnicians.

The magnificence and beauty of the tens of thousands of fireworks will remain in the memories of spectators for a lifetime.

It is sure to soothe your broken heart that you can never forget!

Alright! I’ll be there this year!

Basic Info

Official website
Seats can be reserved through the official website
(March 18, 10am~March 22, 4pm)
Date of event August 31, 2024 (Saturday)

Japan’s Three Greatest Fireworks②Tsuchiura National Fireworks Competition (Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki)

The second of the three major fireworks festivals in Japan is the Tsuchiura National Fireworks Competition held in autumn in Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture.

This fireworks competition also has a fireworks designer who has received the Prime Minister’s Award. It is indeed one of the three major fireworks festivals in Japan.

The Tsuchiura Fireworks Competition has a strong competitive element, with winners and runners-up determined in several categories.

The competitions are also very eye-catching, but you will be able to enjoy the fireworks even more as there are not only competitions but also the starmine, in which many fireworks are shot in rapid succession, and the fireworks at the end of the show.

The unique designs and storylines created by the skilled pyrotechnicians are quite a sight to behold because of the competition element!

You will be able to enjoy viewing the fireworks with your family and friends while scoring them in a fresh and fun way.

Basic Info

Official website
(As of 2024/02/14, the information is for the year 2023.)
Date of eventSaturday, 2024/11/02 (TBD, but this is an estimate based on previous years)


Japan’s Three Great Fireworks ③Nagaoka Matsuri Grand Fireworks Festival (Nagaoka City, Niigata)

The last of the three major fireworks festivals in Japan is introduced in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. All of the fireworks festivals I have introduced are famous, but Nagaoka’s is probably the most well-known.

Rather than me explaining, I would like you to take a look at the official website. You will definitely want to go.

Nagaoka Fireworks Official Website→ (available in English)

Nagaoka Fireworks Festival began after World War II. The festival and fireworks display started as a wish for reconstruction.

That wish continues to be cherished to this day.

It is likely that the desire of the people of Nagaoka has been passed on to the next generation, and that this has led to the big fireworks display that everyone knows today. I hope that through the Nagaoka Fireworks, this feeling will be conveyed to many people.

Of course, it is not only this feeling, but the actual fireworks are also spectacular.

Many kinds of starmines, fireworks like Niagara Falls, fireworks to pray for reconstruction, and many other spectacular and amazing fireworks are set off.

Basic Info

Official website 
Ticket information is available from the official website.
Date of eventAugust 2nd/3rd 

Cautions at Fireworks Festivals

Fireworks displays attract many people. Here are a few things to keep in mind to avoid confusion and trouble.

1. Keep in mind the designated viewing area 

2. avoid congestion

3. Beware of drinking and smoking.

4. Ensuring the safety of children and pets

5. Taking out trash and caring for the community 

6.don’t eat fireworks

Please follow these precautions and enjoy the fireworks display in comfort.

Summary of Japan’s Three Greatest Fireworks Festivals

UnsplashJingda Chenが撮影した写真

In this issue, we introduced the three Greatest Fireworks Festivals in Japan.

  1. Omagari Fireworks
  2. Tsuchiura Fireworks Competition
  3. Nagaoka Fireworks

Some of the detailed dates are not yet listed because there is still some time before the event, but if you visit Japan in 2024, you can be sure that your stay will be wonderful once you visit.

If you are interested in more after reading this article, please search for photos and videos. You may be satisfied with just that.

Thank you very much.

