Places where it’s easy to pick up girls! (Drinking establishments)


What do you think of when you hear the word “pick-up”?

Some may think of it as a nuisance or an embarrassing act.

Others may have a positive image of it as an opportunity to meet someone or to try it out.

But even if you have such a positive image, it is still difficult to find the courage to pick up women! If you have such a positive image, but still find it hard to find the courage to try it, this article is for you!

This time, it is normal for men to talk to women. I will introduce you to a place with that kind of atmosphere!

This article is limited to bars, not clubs or sharing houses!

What? There is such a place? You may think, “Oh, there is such a place!

I was surprised when I went there myself.

I had never approached a stranger before, but I was able to have a drink with them…it was a great experience!

The women also come for the purpose of meeting people by word of mouth, so you don’t have to worry about being abused, having drinks poured on you, or being mowed down outside the bar.

It is a safe way to meet people!

Still, there are some points to be aware of, so I will introduce them after checking them!

Please enjoy the experience to the end.


There are many advantages to drinking with strangers!

You can make encounters.

This is the simplest but most important benefit.

You will have the opportunity to meet people in professions that you have not been involved with before and people from completely different communities.

It will be a good experience for you to hear the stories of such people!

Some of them may even develop romantic feelings for each other and later start dating.

And by the way, I had a girl I liked, but of course it didn’t come to fruition: !!!!!! Lack of ability…

Improve your communication skills

You don’t have the chance to talk with strangers in your daily life…

However, if you make many encounters in such a place, you will get used to talking to strangers and you will become less shy!

This ability will improve your sales skills and your ability to get along with others, which will have a surprisingly positive impact on your work and private life!

It would be great if you could enjoy conversing with people while also increasing your income as a result.

If you are not good at this, it is okay to try many times in an environment, so do your best to overcome your difficulties!

I know what I am lacking.

What you lack as a man is often surprisingly unrecognizable to yourself, isn’t it?

Is it your looks, your financial ability, your ability to talk?

Because it is the first time you meet someone here, the other person will tell you, and you can recognize your shortcomings here… by watching their reaction.

Once you recognize it, you just have to act and fix it so you can be a better man!


There are advantages and disadvantages.

Please refer to some things to be aware of!

Some women aim to be bought a drink

There are women who do not aim to meet people but to be bought.

They order a large amount of food and drinks to the extent that they are offered to pay for the drinks.

It is difficult to recognize such women, so it is important to be able to attract them as well.

Sometimes it is not possible to build a relationship later on.

Even if both parties enjoy the moment and promise to go on another date, they often block contact information the next day.

It is hurtful and deflating at first, but you should digest it with the attitude of “Thank you for the pleasant memories,” and “I’m glad you had a good time! But you should digest it with the attitude of “Thank you for the happy memories!

I still need to work on it, because I’m so depressed that I want to go to bed for the day…

Sales of pyramid schemes

There are people who introduce you to a specific product called “pyramid scheme” and solicit you to join the same community.

Be aware that they may try to sell you something when you are out on a date after having a good time drinking that day.

If you are approached by a sales person, run away from the scene! It will not do you any good to stay there and be cautious.

Or, always make a funny face. They will give up!

Recommended stores

Here are some stores that we actually recommend!

These stores will not float even if you pick up girls!

On the other hand, you may be more likely to be noticed if you just go out and have a drink with other guys without talking…

Ebisu Yokocho


Inside Yokocho

It is a side street style spot with many small izakaya (Japanese style pubs) in a small space.

There are currently 19 stores here. One of the advantages is that you can change stores according to your mood!

In Ebisu Yokocho, two people sit at a table for four and ask the opposite sex near the store if they would like to have a drink together. This seat is vacant! This is the most common way to ask someone to join you for a drink.

On weekends, it is quite crowded, so sometimes four people are forced to sit in a seat for two….

The space between the seats is quite small, but the physical distance is close, so it may be easier to get along with others!

The restrooms are often jam-packed, so it is important to act early. If you don’t make it in time, it’s not a good time to pick up a girl…


1-7-4 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

2 minutes walk from Ebisu Station on JR Yamanote Line, Saikyo Line, Shonan Shinjuku Line, and Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line.

Home Page:

恵比寿横丁 - 株式会社浜倉的商店製作所
シャッター街再生プロジェクト。現代横丁文化の発祥店 20軒の個性派酒場集結 恵比寿西口、旧アーケード商店街「山下ショッピングセンター」を個性的な20店舗が軒を連ねる酒場横丁として再生。街に行き交う人達が等身大で通える「恵比寿のたまり場」、「個性派飲食人の独立チャレンジの場」として開発。集合体ブランドの旗艦店。

Corridor Street


Weekend Corridor Street

The corridor is between Shimbashi and Yurakucho stations, and is made up of taverns and restaurants located along the elevated Metropolitan Expressway.

So the place to talk to people may be inside a store or on the street, but everyone is picking up girls, so you will not be looked at with white eyes!

The quality of the stores is high and they are often stylishly decorated.

The quality of the restaurant is high and the space is stylish, so it is easy for women to naturally feel uplifted and get to know each other.

Due to the location, most of the women are in their mid-20s or older. Most of the men are businessmen, and they are usually dressed in suits that make them look like they can do a good job.

I don’t usually wear a suit, so I have to wear one just to go here, but I can assure you that it is worth it! It is definitely a good place to meet people!


Shimbashi Station – Yurakucho Station

JR Shimbashi Station (1 minute walk from Ginza ticket gate)

1 minute walk from JR Yurakucho station (any exit!)

Home Page:


Public Stand

Shibuya Store

Shinjuku Kabukicho Store

Public Stand is a different style from the two spots introduced above, and is a bar-style establishment.

It is not noisy, and is best described as a laid-back club with no dancers!

The fee system is special, with unlimited drinks, and you can enter and leave as many times as you like!

So even if you have to go out for urgent business after entering the club, you can come back as many times as you want for free!

There are also many stores, and there is a function on the homepage that allows you to search for the nearest store from your location!

The website also shows you how crowded the stores are, so it’s fun to go to the ones with the most people!

The last time I went to Ebisu, there were so many people that it was hard to walk around at around 8pm!

I had a lot of fun because I met a lot of people.

I had a lot of fun because I met a lot of people… access :: japanese_industry


Shibuya Store: 1-25-6 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 1 minute walk from Shibuya station

Shinjuku Kabukicho Store: 1-5-4 Kabukicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 4 minutes walk from Shinjuku Station

There are many more stores many more stores, please refer to the official website!

Home Page:

パブリックスタンド - お酒もスポーツも無制限に遊べるバー(喫煙可能、フリーWi-Fi・コンセント完備)
バー・パブリックスタンド (The Public Stand)公式ページ。「パブスタ」の愛称で独自の【飲み放題で出入り自由】なシステムで楽しみ方は無限大。営業中は出入りも自由(LINE@に登録が必要です)。本格バーテンダーが目の前でつくるカクテルを楽しみながら、学生から社会人、カップルか海外の方、お一人さままで、さまざ...


Shibuya Store

Shinjuku South Exit Store

HUB is an English-style pub. The word “pub” means “public place” or “everyone’s home,” and that is exactly what it is!

Whenever there is a sports game of interest, the HUB shows it on TV, so it is a great way to check out the event and have fun!

You can order your favorite drink at the bar counter, and the snacks are delicious.

I once visited there during a Japanese national soccer team game, and I naturally became friends with people I didn’t know at all because we were able to cheer for the same sport together!

Well, I got pulled away because I yelled too much during the goal scene…

I would recommend this place especially for beginners because it is a more natural way to meet people than the other three spots I have mentioned above!


Shibuya Store: 7 minute walk from Shibuya station, 3-10 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Shinjuku South Exit Store: 3-36-15 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 1 minute walk from Shinjuku Station

Please refer to the official website as there are many, many more stores!

Home Page:

英国風パブ HUB | 82ALE HOUSE
英国風PUB(パブ)、HUB・82ALE HOUSEのページです。メニューや店舗情報、Facebook等のご紹介。スポーツ観戦が楽しめ、飲み放題付きのパーティープランや昼飲み・ランチもご提供しています。おひとり様でもグループでもお楽しみいただけます。


Each spot has its own unique characteristics, so choose the place that suits you best and visit it!

You will be impressed to find that no place is easier to pick up girls than this place!

I hope this article will help you take a big step forward and create many memories.

After a few times of talking to people, you will get used to it and enjoy talking to them, so even if you think it’s hard at first, try it again and again!

Let’s get a better deal than those who don’t know about this spot…
