Non-fattening Shimokitazawa Lunch Trip


The Shimokitazawa area of Tokyo is known as an attractive lunchtime strolling spot for many foreign visitors. Shimokitazawa is famous for its unique blend of tradition and modernity, and for its unique cafes, restaurants, and stores. In this article, we will introduce some of Shimokitazawa’s most attractive lunch spots and activities for foreign visitors. Now, enjoy your lunch time in Shimokitazawa and explore this charming area!

Attractions of Shimokitazawa

Shimokitazawa is located on the west side of Tokyo, only 15 minutes by train from Aoyama and Shibuya. The area has an artistic and creative atmosphere and is beloved by young people and artists. One of Shimokitazawa’s unique characteristics is the coexistence of traditional Japanese culture and modern culture. It is also now attracting attention as a town of secondhand clothing. It has created a Japanese fashion trend to the extent that young people wear paint-covered clothes. Along with this, stores and events are held to attract customers using the mainstream trend of Instagram, making it a fashionable and pop-up town where you can take Instagram-worthy pictures.

Delicious lunch spots

Shimokitazawa has many restaurants and cafes offering a wide variety of cuisines. Here are some places that are especially recommended for foreign visitors.
Ramen: Shimokitazawa is home to many ramen restaurants, among which “Ramen Street” is popular among foreigners. Here you can enjoy a variety of ramen styles. From pork bone ramen with lots of back fat to spicy tsukemen (noodles with dipping sauce), there are plenty of options to choose from.

Vegetarian/Vegan Options: An increasing number of restaurants in Shimokitazawa cater to vegetarian and vegan foreign visitors. Many places offer fresh vegetables for a healthy lunch.

Curry: Curry restaurants are everywhere in Shimokitazawa. Therefore, the smell of curry wafts through the entire town, causing one’s nose to react involuntarily and lead one to enter a curry shop. In Shimokitazawa, whether the carbohydrate that goes with curry is rice or naan depends on the restaurant. Depending on your mood at the time, you can choose the restaurant that best suits your favorite carbohydrate.

Cafe Culture: Shimokitazawa has a well-established cafe culture and is a great place to enjoy delicious coffee and sweets. In particular, there are many hidden cafes tucked away in back alleys.

Shopping and Art

After lunch, you can enjoy Shimokitazawa’s shopping and art scene.
Shimokitazawa is a treasure trove of vintage clothing and vintage fashion. Browsing through vintage clothing stores to find unique fashion items and accessories is a fun activity. It is now very popular among young people in Japan. In Shimokitazawa, the more narrow alleys you walk into, the more stores you will find a treasure trove of vintage fashion.
It is also dotted with art galleries and street art, making it well worth a visit for art lovers. Admire the work of local artists and look for the colorful murals that can be found throughout the city.

Live Music and Entertainment

Shimokitazawa is known for its live music venues, making it a fun place for music lovers at night. From well-known artists to local bands, one can enjoy a wide variety of music genres. Occasionally, live street performances are also held. Entertainment is also provided by regular live comedy performances. A good laugh during your trip will help you recover enough energy to play through the night. Laughing also burns calories, so if you’ve had too much lunch, head to a live music club and watch a comedy show.


Odakyu Line Shimokitazawa station 
Keio Inokashira Line Shimokitazawa station


Shimokitazawa is one of the most unique and charming areas in Tokyo. By enjoying a delicious lunch, shopping, art, and live music, you can burn off the calories you eat, walk, and laugh for zero calories. For foreign visitors, Shimokitazawa is one of the best places to experience the culture and diversity of Tokyo. We encourage you to visit and explore this fascinating area.

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