No Abuse! How to make friends with someone you meet at an aiseki izakaya on the same day


In this article, I will write about how to become friends with someone you meet at an Aiseki Izakaya on the same day!

If you are wondering “What is Aiseki Izakaya? If you are in the state of “What is Aiseki Izakaya? What is Aiseki Izakaya? If you are not sure what Aiseki Izakaya is, please refer to the article “What is Aiseki Izakaya?

First of all, please keep in mind that no matter what your partner’s purpose is, what happens afterwards will depend on your own attractiveness!

quality of customers

The genre of your partner is important when you are going to have an aseki.

Aiseki Izakaya has an age limit, so the age range is young. In most cases, the age limit is up to 35 for men and 30 for women.

Therefore, younger people with a young flair are often a better match.

Also, since there are many locals and people who know the area around the izakaya, tourists can get timely information and learn about restaurants that only locals know about.

This is a good spot not only for people who usually play in the city, but also for tourists!

Image of Aiseki Izakaya

What kind of image do you have of Aiseki Izakaya?

Some people may think that it is just a casual relationship, or that women are there to get paid…

Some people may think that it is just a casual relationship, or that women are there to be paid for their drinks.

However, I think it is important to understand the reason why people go out to a tavern,

If the other party has a good time, it is quite possible for them to leave the bar together and go to the second bar!

I have been to a few of them in the past, and in all of them, I was able to go to the second restaurant with them!

Tips on how to go to the second house together.

Increase the hierarchy in the place.

In any case, entertain at first. This is the only way.

Instill in those around you that this table looks like fun. Make it so that when the women take their seats, they are excited…

Hierarchy is important in male-female relationships.

It is the same principle as in a school class, where the bright and cheerful person is more popular.

And your posture should be imposing and masculine!

You are sure to be noticed by the people in the audience, who will say, “Hey, that guy over there is Brat Pitt. Is that Brat Pitt over there? They will say, “Oh, is that Brad Pitt over there?”…

Conversation is light from the start.

So how to entertain…

You may be thinking, “Well, how do I entertain them?

For example, if you introduce yourself by saying, “Nice to meet you, my name is 00 and my occupation is 00.

If you introduce yourself in a formal way, you may make the other person feel stiff and formal.

Besides, you will eventually learn their names and occupations as you talk with them, so there is no need to ask them questions at the beginning of the conversation.

So what kind of conversation should you have?

You can do the kind of flirtation that only friends can do when meeting for the first time! The other person is also looking for “fun,” so it is okay to do this kind of flirtation.

Don’t ask ordinary questions about information that ordinary people want to know. This is a good way to differentiate yourself from other men. This will also differentiate you from other men.

It would be great if you could ask questions with as much humor as James Bond does!

For example…

If the other party is a pair of people, I wonder what they are connected to….

Normally, I would ask something like, “What are you two connected to?”

It is easy to feel like you are trying your best to expand the conversation there, and it is difficult to act like you are friends in a light-hearted way.

But let’s change this question a little.

If you joke, “I heard you two don’t get along well, but I see you play together (even though I don’t know you at all),” there is no need to be formal and the other person will disclose what kind of relationship they have with you as the conversation goes on. It is best if you can continue this kind of conversation (like the jokes you often see in Western movies) and get to know the person you want to know more about while getting to know each other through jokes and laughing stories!

If the rhythm of the conversation doesn’t match, or if the other person has plans for later, don’t hesitate to use the change function.

Changing is free of charge. You never know what other women are out there, so if you are not the type, or if the rhythm of the conversation doesn’t match, or if you are in a situation where you don’t know what the future holds, change immediately. If you say change as brazenly as Obama does, you won’t get a bad look and it’s less likely to cause an awkward atmosphere!

But you can change without them knowing any longer because you can operate it with your smart phone!

Conversations that lead to the future

It is important to talk about topics that will lead to the future, not just for the moment.

For example…

Some women want to go clubbing but are afraid to go because they don’t have friends to go with them.

In such a case, if you are attractive, and if you can get her excited about the topic of clubbing, and ask her if she would like to go clubbing with you, there is a good chance that you can go clubbing with her on the second night.

You can tell them that you are interested in going by talking about clubs, your favorite food, or an area that they know well.

You might even try talking about your own hometown!

This kind of conversation is also recommended when you are visiting while on a trip, etc., as you may learn information that only the girl knows!

Ask about the second house or next appointment at the point when the conversation is at its most exciting.

It is common for the excitement of a long conversation to wane at the end.

If you ask for advice in this situation, the other person cannot imagine a positive future!

So, when you are excited and enjoying yourself, you should be courageous enough to approach them.

This will increase the likelihood that the other party will think that it might be fun to hang out with these people.


In this article, I have explained some minor techniques.

However, this alone does not guarantee that you will get along.

It is often the case that even if you can imagine it in your head, you could not do anything in the field.

I think it is necessary to get used to it, so please get used to it by doing it on a number of occasions!

In the end, the other person will judge you based on whether or not you are attractive to the opposite sex, so it is important to make daily efforts.

But if you don’t have a place where you can show your attractiveness by improving yourself, it will be meaningless.

Aiseki Izakaya is a place where you can easily show off your attractiveness!

Please enjoy yourself more by showing the results of your daily efforts at Aiseki Izakaya!

Even if you don’t develop a relationship that leads to the future, Aiseki- Izakaya is a great opportunity to come into contact with cultures you have never been exposed to before, as well as unique local knowledge of the other person.

Even if you are a tourist, you can make your trip more enjoyable by asking for recommendations on places to visit and stores to eat at!

Ask them to share their unique knowledge with you and make new discoveries!
