A place where you can meet various people? What is Aiseki Izakaya?


Aiseki Izakaya is a popular form of restaurant in the Japanese food and beverage industry.

In this article, we will write about the overview and appeal of Aiseki Izakaya!

Basic Information on Aiseki Izakaya


The concept of Aiseki

A “Aiseki” refers to the act of eating and drinking together at the same table with other guests you don’t know. This style of dining provides an opportunity to interact with new people in a social setting.


The menu at Aiseki Izakaya offers a wide variety of Japanese and izakaya cuisine. Sake, beer, shochu, cocktails, and soft drinks are also offered for your food and beverage enjoyment.


Aiseki izakaya are generally reasonably priced and are especially popular among the younger generation and friends. Prices vary depending on the food and drinks ordered.

atmosphere (e.g. musical)

Aiseki taverns are characterized by a lively, social atmosphere. Often music and entertainment are provided, allowing customers to enjoy each other’s company.


Aiseki Izakaya are popular in Japan as a place to have a good time with friends and meet new friends. Locations and services offered vary from restaurant to restaurant, so we recommend checking websites and reviews before visiting. Some stores indicate how many men and women visit on their websites.

Why not enjoy meeting new people?

Attractiveness of Aiseki Izakaya

change function

At Aiseki Izakaya, customers are randomly set up with other customers in the restaurant, so it is often the case that you end up at a table with someone you don’t like…

But don’t worry. There is a function called the “Change” function that allows you to change your partner without being noticed by the other party.

The change function is free, so you can change until you meet someone you like.


Although the format differs from restaurant to restaurant, women are generally not charged for seats no matter how long they stay. Some offer free all-you-can-drink and free meals except for those on the pay-as-you-go menu, so you can have fun at a reasonable price. For details, please check the website of each restaurant.

Men are charged a charge and a basic fee based on the time they spend. However, it is not that expensive since it includes all-you-can-drink.

If you stay for a long time, it may become more expensive…

Meeting Place

It is difficult to find new opportunities to meet people of the opposite sex when you are busy with your daily work and hobbies.

If so, you can easily make new encounters at Aiseki Izakaya.

There are many men and women who come to Aiseki Izakaya for the purpose of meeting people.

You can also talk about neighborhoods you have never been involved in before and meet people who are not the type of people you are used to, so you can see a lot of different worlds.

You may even hear about tourist attractions in Tokyo that you didn’t know existed…

Popular Aiseiya Izakaya

Oriental Lounge

Men: from 400 yen for 10 minutes, 550 yen charge, free drinks available

Ladies: Free drink (free food depending on rank)

Home Page:

ORIENTAL LOUNGE(オリエンタルラウンジ)では、感性や価値観を広げるような実りある出会いのみならず、店内の上質な空間、真心込めた料理やドリンク、心地よい接客サービスを提供する相席ラウンジを全国展開しています。女性はチャージ・飲み放題無料!VIPルームも備え、結婚式の二次会や貸切パーティにも対応。事業拡大につ...


Men: from 440 yen for 10 minutes, 550 yen charge, free drink

Ladies: Free drink, free food from the menu

Home Page:



Men: from 440 yen for 10 minutes, 550 yen charge, free drinks

Ladies: Free drink and food

Home Page:

JIS 人生に彩りを添える相席BAR
新しいカタチの出会いの場を提供する相席BAR JIS。合コンセッティングなど新しい形の出会いの場を提供するシングルスBARです

Impressions of the actual visit

I have been there several times and have always enjoyed it, partly because the people with whom I have shared a table are frank!

I have actually left Aiseki Izakaya together and enjoyed drinks at different restaurants, and we have also made good memories of going to places we both want to go later on.

I have now made friends with many people.

Even if you are not comfortable talking to people you have never met before or if you are not comfortable with the opposite sex, the drinks and the atmosphere of the place will push you along!

Also, there are people who are used to it, so you can get used to chatting with them while they help you!

Even such opportunities are not usually available, but at Aiseki Izakaya, you can create such opportunities!

You can also use it as an opportunity to change yourself.

For more information on how to behave on the spot and how to talk, please refer to the article “How to get along with someone you meet at an aiseki izakaya on the same day”, which describes tips on how to successfully build a relationship with the opposite sex at an aiseki izakaya!

We think you will enjoy Aiseki Izakaya more.
