Tokyo’s Hidden Gem~Takao Mountain〜


For those of you planning a trip to Japan, Tokyo has some great new places to explore. Mount Takao is easily accessible from the center of Tokyo and offers a fascinating expanse of natural beauty, history, and outdoor activities. In this article, we will introduce the attractions of Mt. Takao to those who are considering a trip to the area.

What is Mt. Takao?

Mt. Takao is a mountain located in Hachioji City, western Tokyo, with a peak elevation of 599 meters (about 1,965 feet). This mountain is accessible by train or bus from central Tokyo in about an hour, making it ideal for a day trip. Visitors can get away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo and experience the beauty of nature.

The beauty of each season

One of the charms of Mt. Takao is its beautiful scenery that changes with the seasons. In spring, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, making the view from the summit even more beautiful. In the fall, the mountain is decorated with autumnal foliage, creating a spectacular view. Especially during the season of autumn leaves, many visitors come to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Each season has its own charm, making you want to visit again and again.

History & Culture

Mt. Takao is said to have been founded in 744 by Gyoki, a high priest of the Nara period.
Later, in 1375 during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Shungen of Daigoji Temple in Kyoto entered the mountain, restored Yakuoin Temple, which had fallen into disrepair, and became the founder of the temple’s revival.
The history of Mt. Takao is the history of Yakuoin as it was until the modern era.
The records of Mt. Takao in historical documents have been kept since the Warring States Period.
Yakuoin was under the patronage of Ujiteru Hojo, who built Hachioji Castle.
During the Edo period (1603-1867), Yakuoin attracted many followers not only in Hachioji, but also in Edo (Tokyo) and other areas, and reached a period of prosperity.
Many believers visited Mt. Takao in the “Fuji-ko” religion.
The Shogunate also implemented a policy to protect the forests of Mt.

In the Meiji Era, Yakuoin was affected by the Shinto/Buddhist Separation Order and had to give up its vast temple estate.
In the Showa period (1926-1989), cable cars began operating.
In the Showa period (1926-1989), a cable car began operating.
In the early Showa period, people from all over the country visited the nearby Tama Goryo (Tama Imperial mausoleum), and the number of tourists visiting Mt.
When the Keio-Takao Line opened in 1967, the number of climbers and visitors to Yakuoin Temple increased rapidly.
In 2007, the mountain was awarded three Michelin stars, making it the most visited mountain in Japan.

Outdoor Activities

Takao is a fun place for hiking and trekking enthusiasts.
Takao has seven typical mountain trails: Nature Study Routes 1-6 and the Inariyama Trail.
In addition to these, there are more than 100 other trails, including minor trails in the mountain and the surrounding mountain areas such as Oku-Takao, which attract not only beginners but also experienced climbers who return to the mountain many times.
Visitors can refresh themselves in nature and enjoy the fresh air. There is also an observatory at the top of the mountain where visitors can enjoy the wonderful view of Tokyo.
Mt. Takao offers a view of Mt. Fuji from its summit and has been selected as one of the “100 Best Viewing Places in the Kanto Region.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism selects the best places from which to view Mt.
Mt. Takao has a close relationship with Mt. Fuji, as there is an ancient belief associated with “Fuji-ko” and “Diamond Fuji” can be seen from the top of the mountain every year during the winter solstice.

Recommended time of day

Takao can be visited all year round, but spring and fall are especially recommended. The cherry blossoms in spring and the beautiful autumn leaves in fall allow visitors to enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. Also, if you visit on a weekday or early in the morning, you can avoid the crowds and enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest.


Closest Station: Takaoyamaguchi Station, Keio Line
Car: Takeo IC on the Kio Expressway
Parking lot is available.


Takao is easily accessible from central Tokyo and offers nature, history, and outdoor activities. In the coming season, the autumn leaves will look beautiful!

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