Miyashita Park, a resting place for those who have walked a lot


Relaxing spots in Tokyo

Tokyo is a vibrant city with many sights to see and exciting activities to do, but sometimes you just want a quiet place to relax. Miyashita Park is a great place to do just that.

What is Miyashita Park?

Miyashita Park is a beautiful park located in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, and is known as a place for locals and foreign visitors to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and get in touch with nature. The park offers beautiful seasonal scenery, a variety of activities, and a relaxing atmosphere.
Miyashita Park is surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful flowers and plants that change with the seasons. Especially during the cherry blossom season, visitors can enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms in full bloom.
The park has well-maintained walking paths where visitors can enjoy strolling or jogging. You can also enjoy a picnic with friends and family on the large lawn area.
Various cultural events are also held in Miyashita Park. Visitors can experience Tokyo culture through local festivals and art exhibits.
And there are many cafes and restaurants around the park where you can enjoy delicious food and drinks. Indulge in local and international cuisine. In addition, there is a shopping mall specializing in high-end brands such as LUIS VUITTON and Gucci, so you can also use the park for shopping purposes!

Other park tours

There are various other parks near Miyashita Park.
Yoyogi Park: Located within walking distance from Miyashita Park, Yoyogi Park is a sprawling oasis in the heart of the city. Known for its cherry blossoms, various events are held there each season. It is an ideal place for picnics and walks.

Jinnan Park: Located near Shibuya Station and adjacent to a shopping area, Jinnan Park is a quiet place in the heart of the city. With its beautiful gardens and flowerbeds, it is a great place to visit when you want to relax.

Meiji Jingu Gaien: Located within walking distance from Miyashita Park, Meiji Jingu Gaien extends over a beautiful expanse of land, where you can enjoy seasonal flowers and natural scenery. It is also an ideal place for strolling and running.

Gardens along Park Avenue: Several small gardens and parks are scattered along Park Avenue in the Miyashita Park neighborhood. These places are ideal for relaxing and getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

After a tiring day of touring the parks, this is the best way to nourish yourself!

Harajuku Takeshita-dori is located near Miyashita Park and the park mentioned above. While it is nice to nourish yourself while walking along Takeshita-dori, here are some restaurants that you should definitely visit.
Muscle Shokudo
Muscle Shokudo is a place where you can enjoy health-conscious meals and delicious flavors at the same time. The restaurant’s mission is to provide customers with nutritious food and an energizing dining experience.
It is also a very unique restaurant where protein drinks are served with your entree!

The menu consists of strong, delicious dishes with a balanced combination of protein, vegetables, and healthy carbohydrates.
Special dietary requirements such as vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free are also accommodated. Your health and dietary preferences are respected and your food is prepared to your liking.

It is also a place to relax and enjoy a meal with friends and family in a cozy environment with friendly staff. Recommended for fitness enthusiasts, the health-conscious, and all those in search of a great meal.
Located on the 3rd floor of Miyashita Park South.
Shibuya Yokocho
Shibuya Yokocho is a paradise of food and drinks! You can enjoy a wide variety of food and beverages. From traditional Japanese izakaya to international cuisine, we recommend that you enjoy eating and drinking your way through a variety of tastes.

It has become the ideal place for those who want to enjoy Tokyo’s nightlife to the fullest. Good food, fun drinks, and entertainment make for an unforgettable evening.
Because if you’ve done a lot of walking and sightseeing in Tokyo, no matter what you eat or drink, you have zero calories!
You don’t have to think about gaining weight!
Located on the 1st floor of Miyashita Park South.


Access to Miyashita Park is very convenient.
7 minutes walk from JR Shibuya Station
3 minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Shibuya Station
Harajuku is also nearby. Since the park is easily accessible from major sightseeing spots in Tokyo, you can stop by during your sightseeing.


Even in the heart of the city, which is bustling with skyscrapers and seems to have little nature, Miyashita Park is the perfect place to spend a relaxing time, savoring the beauty of nature. Beautiful scenery and activities await you in every season. Please visit and enjoy this relaxing hole-in-the-wall spot in Tokyo.

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